Gardening Plants & Flowers Vegetables

The Best Companion Plants for Pole Beans and Bush Beans

green beans growing in the garden

The Spruce / K. Dave 

To properly take care of pole beans (grows on vines) and bush beans (grows on bushy plants) you need to know what kind of companion plants should grow near them. Some plants help beans to thrive while others can stunt a bean plant's growth. Learn about some of the best species to grow near pole beans and bush beans, as well as what to avoid planting next to beans.

What Is Companion Planting?

Companion planting is the practice of placing different species of plants close together in the garden because they offer certain benefits to one another. For example, one species may deter an insect that feeds on the other species, while that plant may improve the other plant's uptake of soil nutrients.

Understanding Companion Planting

Companion planting maximizes the efficiency of a garden space, attracts beneficial insects, and diverts insect pests from food crops. Sometimes the companion plant pairings benefit one plant more than another, but nature designed some plants to protect and help others. When you take advantage of these beneficial relationships, it becomes easier to grow crops organically.

For example, one classic companion plant combination is beans, corn, and squash. Here's why all of these plants win when planted together:

  • The beans attract beneficial insects that prey on corn pests, such as leaf beetles, fall armyworms, and leafhoppers.
  • The bean vines are supported as they climb up the corn stalks.
  • The squash benefits from the nitrogen fixed in the soil by the bean plant.
  • The squash's large leaves block sunlight from nourishing weeds that want to grow near the corn stalks.
corn growing
The Spruce / K. Dave  

What to Plant Around Beans

Beans are recommended as companion plants for several different vegetables and other plants. Beans and other legumes boost nitrogen levels in the soil and provide nutrients to surrounding plants. In return, certain plants benefit from the growth of beans. Here are a few ideal companion plants for beans:

  • Catnip: This plant helps to repel flea beetles, a common pest found on many vegetable crops, including beans.
  • Corn: Bush beans can tolerate the light shade that is cast by corn plants. And because the roots of the bean plants occupy a different level in the soil than the roots of the corn, the two plants do not compete for water and nutrients. Furthermore, for pole beans, the corn stalks can serve as the "poles" to allow the beans to grow upright. This saves space in the garden and allows room for additional plants.
  • Cucumber, eggplant, and radish: These plants encourage strong bean growth, and the beans boost the nitrogen in the soil that they need to grow.
  • Marigold: Marigolds deter Mexican bean beetles and other insect pests from several garden plants, including beans. Plus, African and French marigolds both produce a substance that suppresses nematodes, the microscopic worms that attack the roots of plants. In fact, marigolds are a recommended companion for many different edible plants. 
  • Nasturtium, summer savory, and rosemary: Nasturtium and rosemary both deter bean beetle pests. In addition, summer savory repels bean beetles and improves the flavor and overall growth of bean plants. Grow it near the base of the plant, but not so close that the bean plant shades it.
  • Potato: Potato plants help to repel Mexican bean beetles from bean plants. In return, bean plants can repel the Colorado potato beetle.

Other plants that are good companions to pole beans and bush beans include:

The Spruce / K. Dave 

What to Avoid Planting Around Beans

Certain plants can inhibit the growth of beans when they are planted nearby. Here are plants to avoid growing near beans:

  • Beets (depends on the bean): Pole beans and bush beans share all of the same companion plant recommendations except when it comes to beets. Pole beans and beets stunt each other's growth. However, bush beans are not affected by beets.
  • Onion family: Avoid planting beans near all members of the allium family, such as onionsleeks, garlic, and scallions. Members of this family inhibit the growth of bean plants because they exude a substance that kills beneficial bacteria on bean roots. In turn this prevents the bean plants from adding nitrogen to the soil.
  • Peppers: Experts disagree on whether peppers and beans can coexist. They both can benefit the soil. However, sometimes pole bean vines can spread too aggressively among the pepper plants and choke them.
  • Sunflowers: Sunflowers give off a chemical compound that inhibits the growth of beans, making them incompatible plants.
The Spruce / K. Dave  
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  1. Reinprecht, Yarmilla et al. Effects of Nitrogen Application on Nitrogen Fixation in Common Bean Production. Front. Plant Sci. 2020. doi:10.3389/fpls.2020.01172

  2. Melo, Nadia. Capek, Matthew. The irritant receptor TRPA1 mediates the mosquito repellent effect of catnip. Current Biology, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2021.02.010

  3. The Best of Enemies: A Brief Guide to Companion Planting. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Agriculture and Life Sciences.

  4. Pests and the Plants that Repel Them. Cornell University Cooperative Extension.

  5. What's Bugging You? The Mexican Bean Beetle. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Agriculture and Life Sciences.

  6. Companion Planting. Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens.

  7. Edible Landscaping: Companion and Interplanting. Learning Library,The National Gardening Association.